
digital illustrator

morgan | they/them
21 y.o | art student
dc: knives#9931 / kn_yves

Status: OPEN

listed below are the styles i offeralthough, i am quite flexible if you're
wanting something not listed below

* prices are negotiable and the
complexity of the piece or characters
might affect the price.

Guidelines & Terms of Service

will draw: fanart, OC art, gore, D&D
will not draw: graphic nsfw, morally dubious or offensive content

› all artworks are for personal use only. ‹› payments are made upfront through gcash or paypal. ‹› the artist has the right to decline a commission. ‹› a single commission work may take weeks to months unless it is paid extra to have a reasonable deadline. ‹› commissions are non-refundable after the sketch is approved. ‹› maximum of 2 revisions are given, additional revisions will have additional charges.‹STRICTLY NO NFTS/crypto TO BE MADE OUT OF MY WORK.› IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR COMMISSION POSTED, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Style 1$70 - $140

two characters + simple backgroundadditional character/s = will be charged 70% per headprice is negotiable

Style 2$50 - $90

sent in a transparent bg or flat color bgprice is negotiable | depends on the complexity of the design